Just to give a little background about the striped newt (Notophthalmus perstriatus), the focal species of our conservation project in the Apalachicola National Forest. Here is a map of its historic range - as you can see the species has a limited global distribution.
The striped newt is found mostly in sandhills and … Continue reading the story "More Striped Newt Info"
Post Archives from the ‘Striped Newt Study’ Category
Striped Newt Repatriation Project
We are finishing up the 2nd year of a 5-year study to develop a conservation strategy for the striped newt. We are pretty sure that the striped newt has been extirpated from the Apalachicola National Forest (ANF) - that means it is has gone locally extinct. And the ANF was one of a few strongholds for this species in the entire world!
The last time we … Continue reading the story "Striped Newt Repatriation Project"